From 1st January 2019 the new modernised rules of golf are in force.
This major change in the rules is intended to:
• Be more easily understood and applied by all golfers;
• Be more consistent, simple and fair; and
• Reinforce the game’s longstanding principles and character.
Getting to grips with the new rules
It is recommended that all members obtain a copy of the new Players Handbook Edition of the Rules of Golf 2019 published by the R&A. These booklets are free and a limited number are available through the Pro Shop. They can also be ordered via the R&A website (P&P applies).
The Players Handbook is also available as a free app for smartphones and tablets obtainable from your appropriate app store.
An excellent fun way to learn the rules is through playing the Rules Quiz within the app or it can be accessed directly on the R&A website. There are 3 levels of difficulty (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) and you answer 18 random multiple choice questions. You can then review all your answers and see the explanation for any you get wrong. Repeat this every now and again and see how your knowledge of the rules improves.
The 20 Most Important Changes To The Rules Of Golf 2019
Although this is not an “official” list from the R&A it is a very helpful way to get started with understanding the main changes. We have added a reference to the relevant rule for each change and encourage members to read a fuller explanation in their Players Handbook.
View a list of the 20 most important changes
There is also an excellent (commercial) YouTube video, by an International rules official, which matches this list of 20 changes. It last about 9 minutes and is a great way to help understand and remember the rules. The video has already been viewed over 1 million times.
Click this link to view YouTube video