Ramsdale Park Golf Club – Seniors Section
Minutes of the
Monday 10th February 2020 at 12.15pm
- Harkin (Club President), S Duty (Seniors Captain), T Plimmer (Centre Manager), K. Hepworth, D. Dandie, D. Costin, M. Jefferies, B. Bailey, P. McDonough, D. Clark, M. Woodhead, S. Murry, G. Shenton, R. Hone, P. Rankin, J. O’Neill, T. Brant, N. Harris, M. O’Brien, H. Bauder, T. Henshaw, R. Coulson, M. Voce, W. Jones, B. Stocks, M. Keeton, J Evans, J Adams, T Sills, D Jarrett, T Naylor, M Gee, J Chadwick.
M Northern, T Syme
Steve Duty started the AGM by welcoming Theresa Plimmer, Dany Harkin, and Richard Hone. Steve also mentioned David Robinson, who died recently. He mentioned that he was a remarkable person and decent golfer.
- Minutes of the last AGM.
The meeting approved the minutes of the February 2019 AGM which had been displayed and circulated. Proposed by R. Hone and seconded by K Hepworth.
- Matters arising from the minutes.
Ramsdale Golf Club were to pay visiting club green fees.
Monday club fees are still £3.00.
Stuart Murry requested that a bell be placed on the 9th hole, which has been installed.
- Centre Manager’s report.
Steve Norton, the Centre Manager, gave a detailed report on the developments that had taken place during 2018 and those planned for 2019, his main emphasis being on the golf courses. A copy of Steve’s report is attached to these minutes.
- Treasurer’s report on the accounts for 2018.
The Honorary Treasurer for the Seniors’ Section, Mike Jefferies, presented a summary report on the accounts for the year ending 31 October 2019. Copies of his full report, which had been made available to members prior to the meeting on the seniors’ website and notice board, are attached to these minutes.
His summary was as follows:
‘Over the past few years the general policy of the seniors committee has been to reduce the size of the seniors’ bank balance, but without reducing benefits to members. The present bank balance when adjusted is £6906.04 and over the full year the excess expenditure over income was £1067.87 and this does not take account of £250.00 contribution to the main club that was inadvertently paid late. If this size of loss is repeated in subsequent years and, there is no reason to believe that it won’t, then in a few years our coffers will be dry.
Income from various sources (Monday Club, other competitions, match sponsorship, raffles) has been relatively stable allowing us to cover most of our expenses (competition prize vouchers, visitors’ green fees, captain’s away day and presentation evening as well as various meals) to name but a few. However, given the size of this year’s deficit and the losses anticipated in subsequent years, in my opinion, we need to find other ways to maintain the balance or to reduce the deficit more slowly. The issue of match sponsorship is also one I feel needs to be looked into. In general the same people sponsor matches each year and I think this needs to be more equitably spread.
Given the above, the committee proposes a £1.00 increase to the Monday Club entry and for all competitions to have an entry fee with the exception of the order of merit. This, in my view, would return the accounts to balance and eliminate the need for match sponsorship but this of course would need the approval of this AGM.
Members are asked to approve the accounts for the year ending 31st October 2018 and it only remains for me to express my thanks to everyone who is involved in making the Seniors Section run so smoothly and for everyone who has contributed so generously with their time and money.’
Patrick McDonough thanked Mike for his report and invited questions from members.
- John O’Neill expressed the view that, rather than looking to increase fees and so income to deal with the deficit, the committee should look at ways of reducing expenditure. David Costin pointed out that some increases in expenditure relate to increased charges by the centre for meals after seniors matches and other social events. Stuart Murry queried the necessity for a section such as ours to have a £7000 bank balance.
- Ian Saunders expressed the view that, since not all members who play in Monday Club events are seniors, the fees should not be increased as a means of dealing with the seniors section deficit. He felt that entry fees for competitions intended for seniors only should be increased instead.
- Tony Brant suggested that we consider reducing the proportion of competition fees that are paid out in winnings.
- Malcolm Voce suggested that an annual fee be charged for being a member of the seniors section as this was the case at some other golf clubs.
- Richard Hone said that, as match sponsorship was entirely voluntary and guaranteed the sponsor’s inclusion in the team, partnering the seniors captain, it should continue as an option.
- At this point Steve Norton made the generous offer to the AGM to waive the payment of the reduced green fees paid by the seniors section for members of visiting seniors teams. This offer was very well received by the meeting attendees.
Phil Rankin proposed that the accounts be approved, which was seconded by Malcolm Voce and subsequently carried by members.
- Financial Matters.
Mike informed attendees that he was standing down and changes would be made to the signatories of the Seniors’ account. D Costin, D Dandie would remain and the new treasurer, Christine West would be added to the account. M Jefferies would be removed from the account section’s bank (NatWest).
- Consideration of annual fees and charges.
There were no changes to be considered this year.
- Outgoing Captain’s report.
Steve reported on his year in office as follows:
Steve Duty began by paraphrasing Jimmy Greaves, saying it’s been a funny old year and not everything has gone as smoothly as he would have liked. An example was, when the seniors played a home match against Welton Manor, Severn Trent Water turned off the water supply to the Ramsdale Park site. This meant that the building had to be closed down and we were not able to provide a meal to our visitors, who had travelled from the other side of Lincoln.
The seniors played 20 matches in 2019 winning 6, halving 5 and losing 9 – not as good a record as last year’s seniors’ captain, Patrick McDonough. A total of 31 seniors had played in at least 1 match. The most successful players were David Armitage, Mike Woodhead and Patrick McDonough. Steve had not been so successful but, in his defense, stated that in the 18 matches he had played he had 17 different partners and played on his own in one match and so had spread the hurt. There had been some problems in seniors’ clubs fielding full teams in 2019, with a trend to reduce team sizes from 16 to 12. Steve asked that people who were not able to play, having been selected, give the match organizer as much notice as possible so that a replacement can be found. The seniors played 3 matches without a full team in 2019.
Steve’s away day at Radcliffe-on-Trent Golf Club did not go according to plan as he had to postpone the original outing, planned in June, at very short notice due to unprecedented amounts of rain leading to flooding. The management team at Radcliffe was very understanding and agreed to reschedule it in September. The number of people who could attend fell, unfortunately, from 40 to 32 but the weather was perfect and the course was in good condition so participants enjoyed the golf. We were able to sit in the sunshine and have a drink and a chat after completing our rounds, followed by tucking in to excellent ‘cow pie’ for our meal. It turned out to be Steve’s highlight of his captaincy year and he thanked the seniors who attended.
Another good day was the seniors versus par 3 club Ryder Cup-type event. This was the 2nd such event, with the par 3 club having won the first one in 2018. There was a nice buzz in the clubhouse before and after the match and the seniors managed to reverse the result this time around. Steve said that it is always a pleasure to work with Richard Hone on events such as this because of his enthusiasm and organizational skills, both being qualities that should serve him well in his year as Club Captain in 2020. Steve wished Richard an enjoyable and successful year on behalf of the seniors’ section.
Steve thanked the seniors’ committee members for their hard work and support in 2019, Phil Rankin for running the Stapleford aggregate competitions, John O’Neill for continuing to sponsor his annual Greensome competition, Theresa Plimmer and her team for their support of the seniors’ section and all the seniors who had supported the competitions, matches, presentation evening and other events through the year.
He then handed over the seniors’ captaincy for 2020 to Stuart Murry, wishing him an enjoyable and successful year.
- Introduction of 2019
Steve presented Stuart Murry with the Captain’s jacket for 2020.
- Captain’s proposals for the coming year and introduction of 2020 Vice-Captain.
Captain’s proposals for the coming year.
Good afternoon and sincere thanks to Steve for his captaincy year. He had a few problems, which were mainly weather related and he handled them superbly. Thanks Steve.
It is a real privilege to be asked to be the Senior Captain and I look forward to working with the committee this term. I am well aware I am following some really good captains and I can say that it will get my upmost attention.
I would say at this point that I have worked on quite a few committees and most have been talking shops, however this one is not like that and it does get its business done.
A criticism often levelled at the committee and possibly others is that they don’t spend enough of the reserves. This year, however, the financial hand break will be taken off our finances, but in a controlled manner and just the same as the main club committee – the spending will be kept under constant review. As for instance, next week’s Monday Club, as you come in, there will be stew and dumplings provided free courtesy of the Senior section. Next presentation night in October, the evening will be free to all that attend (drinks of course are not included). The idea of the free presentation evening night is an effort to increase attendance because over the last few years the attendance has declined. We will see and I will be inviting the Ladies section, should they wish to come. There will be other events throughout the year that the committee will revise.
There will be two Senior/Ladies events this year – one on 04th June – which will be probably 20 Ladies and 20 Seniors, which will be repeated in December although the December competition was played in appalling weather. It was well supported. Both events will be at Ramsdale.
Quite a few changes are going to happen this term, centred on the Senior club matches.
- Because of the general decline in interest over the last few years the committee has decided to try and generate more interest that every time you play a Senior match, you will be given 3 points, which will be added to the Order of Merit table. I should say at this point, because I will play all the matches I will get 2 points added to the Merit League table, which I think is a fair balance.
- Due to the generosity of the centre management we no longer have to provide sponsorship per game – it was £25 per match – it’s now not required. Also there will be no more purchasing of raffle tickets, however the raffle ticket will be placed on your table, one each per person. The prizes will be provided by the committee.
- Due to some problems with the catering, we have now standardized the meals which are as follows – on arrival you will get coffee and bacon roll and the sit down after will be one course burger and chips and salad, having no dessert will also get us away earlier. It is still £13.00.
- There will be 17 club matches this season, it is not 18 because in getting a new venue – which is Chilwell Manor – I cocked the dates up and booked us to play Chilwell on the same date as the Mapperley away fixture. And try as David Costin did to get it rearranged they couldn’t fit us in. Apologies for that one.
Captain’s away day this year will be at Ullesthorpe Court Hotel and Golf Club, Leicestershire. It will be on July 03rd Friday. I have taken the unusual step of inviting the Ladies section and indeed any other lady in the club. It’s a 72 bedroom hotel. It has a swimming pool and other facilities and the first tee is right outside the hotel. Should anyone wish to book an overnight stay or combine that stay with a round on the Thursday then by all means, sort it out yourselves. Your contact name at Ullesthorpe is Ashley. During the Captain’s away day, due largely to the efforts of Brian Bailey, there will be a £5000 prize for a hole-in-one on one of the Par 3’s, with substantial prizes on the other Par 3’s. Playing for these prizes on each of the Par 3’s will be free – the Seniors’ committee is standing the cost of the insurance for all the Par 3 prizes.
The day will be a four ball team event, with individual prizes for both Ladies and Seniors, for the highest individual Stapleford points. The winning team will not figure in the individual prizes. Should you not be able to sort a four ball one will be chosen for you.
Finally, I have asked Malcolm Voce to be my vice-captain and he has kindly accepted. Malcolm is a proven organizer so his captaincy is in safe hands.
Thank you for your patience.
Stuart then took over as AGM chairman.
- Consideration of proposals for changes.
No written proposals for changes to the seniors section rules, procedures etc had been received.
- Appointment of committee members for 2019.
Members by virtue of office:
Immediate Past Captain – Steve Duty
Captain – Stuart Murry
Vice-Captain – Malcolm Voce
5 members of the Seniors Committee had been elected at the 2018 AGM and so still had 2 years of their 3 year terms in office to run.
Mike Jefferies resigned and Christine West has agreed to act as Treasurer
David Costin (competitions secretary and seniors website wizard)
David Dandie (Monday Club organizer)
Brian Bailey (Monday Club organizer)
David Clark (trophies and prizes)
- Any other business.
- Danny Harkin congratulated the Seniors for their work over this past year. He also mentioned the work of Brian Bailey and his work to the club charity. The club had raised over £15,000.
- Stuart Murry mentioned the CCTV camera in the entrance foyer and Theresa said that they would look into the matter again.
The meeting closed at 1.25pm.
AGM Speech
Good evening President, Chairman, Captain, club committee members, ladies and gentleman. Thank you very much for inviting me to attend the Club AGM tonight.
Firstly I want to extend my thanks to the members and in particular the committee members for the unwavering support I have received since taking over as GM. I have been overwhelmed with the response and I am really excited for what 2020 will bring.
You will all be pleased to note that this speech will be at least half the length of Mr. Norton’s!
Ramsdale has had a great year in 2019. Our membership base has grown and the course has had some tremendous feedback. Last year we had 642 members. Dec 2019 we had 705.
Steve the F&B Manager is now settled in and working on the speed issues you may have experienced in the past. Johnny and his team is as strong as its ever been which flushes through to the quality of both courses.
Will has had a fantastic year and has built a superb team in the shop. Wills big project this year will be to grow and progress our junior section.
As a club, we are consistently in the top 10 on most review sites including trip advisor, google reviews, Golf Shake and more recently we won the highest accolade for Golf Course on TRP.
The latter part of the year proved to be a little difficult for the back 9 with the amount of rainfall. Our course was one the very few in this area that remained open for the majority of November and December despite this.
Johnny and his team still managed to use the necessary water allocation – securing the renewal of the license.
Johnny and his team worked tirelessly on both course over 2019.
- 9 bunkers have been fully renovated,
- All the old sleeper area for winter mats on the Lee course have been removed and turfed
- More path work has been completed
- Work on the woodland areas (as per the tree survey) around the green complexes to thin out the copses to allow light and prevent shade issues developing
2020 – What’s happening?
For 2020 we have a lot of exciting projects on the go to improve the course and the customer experience:-
- All bunkers will be completed by March
- There will be greens maintenance W/C3rd Aug. Aeration and scarifying to control organic matter
- Drainage work planned in the autumn around the greens. Starting with 5th and 6th
- Path work will continue. We will be using plastic tread to sustain wear and tear on heavily used areas. Borders will be tidied up
- Tee will be scarified and sanded
- Over £38k will be invested on new machinery to maintain the course to the highest standard
- Deep rough Management will continue
- Over £30k will be invested into the range in 2020
- Some upgrades within the lounge bar including a sound system and new large TV
In March – the membership prices for new joiners will be £900 – which is £77.50 for a 7 day direct debit.
For existing members, there will be a small inflationary increase of between 2 and 3% for renewal. This will take the current 7 day up to £875 from £850 – if they renew by 22nd May 2020.
Most local clubs are having to do the same with cost increases of NMW and utilities alone hitting 6.5%.
Once again, I would like to thank the committee for their efforts in 2019 – it can at times be thankless job! I look forward to working with you all in 2020.
Ramsdale Park Golf Club (Seniors Section)
Treasurers Report on the accounts for the year ending 31st October 2018
A copy of the accounts for the year ending 31st October is attached herewith. The accounts have been examined by Patrick McDonough, senior captain, who has indicated that he finds them to be a true and accurate record. I thank Patrick for undertaking this task.
Within the bundle of papers is an income and expenditure account, an account showing the current position regarding vouches and matches, as well as a bank reconciliation statement and a summary balance sheet. Figures for both 2016 and 2017 are included for comparison purposes.
Overall the accounts show a deficit for the year ending of £1,067.87. This compares with a deficit of £1,343.85 in 2017 and a deficit of £108.44 in 2016.
The bank balance (adjusted) at 31st October 2018 was £6,906.04 and £61.57 is held in petty cash.
As a general principle the Seniors Committee has had, over the past few years, a policy of reducing the size of the Seniors Bank balance whilst maintaining the generous ratio between money from competitions being paid to prize winners and club funds whilst not increasing the cost to members of entry to competitions. Some competitions with generous prize funds are also free to enter (for example the Winter Aggregate and the Order of Merit). Nonetheless, the deficit is again somewhat larger than expected and while it is sustainable in the short term it is clearly not sustainable over the longer period.
I will explore some reasons why I think the deficit is larger than expected later.
Income and expenditure in more detail
Income from all competitions has remained largely stable over the past three years. In 2016 income was £2,676.00. In 2017 income was £3,095.00, but this included the new Winter Aggregate competition as well as an entry fee for the same competition. In 2018 the entry fee has not charged and the income from all competitions was £2,817.
Within the accounts I have also showed the amounts in full paid by seniors for both the Seniors Captain’s presentation evening (£410.00) and Christmas Monday Club (£1,612.00). The balance of the Presentation evening (£517.95) was paid out of club funds and the Seniors also made up the shortfall of £83.90 on the Christmas Monday club.
Whilst it is accepted that the amount of money held in the Seniors bank account is more than is realistically required for our type of organization, it is nonetheless pleasing to note that the club is able to undertake a full range of competitions without having to worry about the cost including competitions where there are no entry fees (order of merit, winter aggregate). Members also enjoyed meals following draws for both the Summer Singles and Winter Pairs, as well as a meal following the new style Ryder Cup event introduced this year.
In this year‘s accounts I have tried to breakdown further some of the other sections of expenditure. Thus, the amount shown for trophies and engraving relates only to engraving (£77.00). Prize vouchers relate to those vouchers issued both for the Victoria Centre (£410.00) and the pro-shop (£850.00). Other expenditure shown on the income and expenditure account is relatively self-explanatory and therefore needs no additional comment from me.
Members will also note that the Seniors Section continued to support for the Senior Captain’s away day (£300), made charitable donations of £284.25 and once again paid for the floral display leading from the club house to the first tee. However, it is an oversight on this treasurer’s part that during the year I did not make the customary payment of £250.00 to the main club which I have since made good and will be shown in 2018/19 accounts.
Turning now to the size of the deficit in more detail I feel there are several factors why it is so high:
- Prizes are awarded for competitions for which there is no entry fee and as mentioned earlier this is both a positive and a negative, but something that if the deficit continues to rise may have to be reviewed.
- Less money forthcoming in terms of match sponsorship. The matches account showed a loss of £126.00 although this was better that in 2017 when the loss was £257.75.
- The club making up the shortfall of £83.00 on the Christmas Monday Club.
- Inclement weather leading to the cancellation of several Monday club events.
The loss would have been even greater if the main club contribution (£250.00) had been paid on time.
Matches Account
Turning now to the matches account in more detail. As can be seen from the income and expenditure account the deficit in 2018 was £126.00 and this compares with a deficit of £257.75 the previous year. The Seniors are charged £12.50 per meal by the club so the 50 pence excess goes towards the payment of the visitors’ green fees for home matches. Not all matches however were sponsored, but raffle income was considerably up on the previous year. However, it should be noted that all additional income is vital for us to off-set the cost of the visitors’ green fees which currently stands at £8.75 per player.
Nonetheless, I thank everybody who has so generously sponsored matches as without this level of financial support from members the Seniors would be hard pressed to play as many matches as the cost would be too prohibitive. However, it appears that the same people sponsor matches each year and I think it is time we looked at other ways to cover this cost that is more equitable.
Since I undertook the role of treasurer, I have expressed my dislike of the voucher system and wished there could be a better way of paying winners eg via a smart card that could be used throughout the centre. When I was a member at Oakmere I know that they had such a system and that was nearly ten years ago. Such a system would, in my view, eliminate the cumbersome and time-consuming voucher system for both the club and us.
Just as a reminder Monday club vouchers have a shelf life of six months whereas vouchers issued for board competitions last twelve months.
As noted in the balance sheet vouchers amounting to £1,436.00 were outstanding. Clearly, this represents a considerable level of indebtedness to the Seniors section. However, it is unlikely that all these vouchers remain valid, but equally there is no way of knowing how many valid vouchers are currently in member’s possession. The only way this could be done is to track each voucher individually and this would be extremely time consuming.
As noted earlier the Senior Section made a loss over the year of £1,067.87 and this would have been£250.00 larger had the contribution to the main club been paid on time. The current bank balance (adjusted) was £6,906.04 and £61.57 is held in cash. This is £772.87 down on the previous year. If all else stays the same I envisage a further similar deficit next year and in subsequent years. In the short-term the Seniors can sustain such losses, but there will come a time when adjustments will have to be made to the pricing structure of competitions and the ratio of prizes to club funds. The question is do we want to wait a few years when our coffers are beginning to run dry or do we take action now. Therefore, the committee proposes a £1.00 increase to Monday club entry fees and introduce an entry fee to the Winter Aggregate both of which will go directly to club funds. I estimate that over a full year this could raise an additional £1,800 – £2,000 which would more than adequately cover the expected deficits and eliminate the need for individual members to sponsor matches. This proposal however clearly needs to be ratified by this AGM.
It only remains for me to express my thanks to everyone who is involved in making the Seniors Section run smoothly and for everyone who has contributed so generously with their time and money.
Members are asked to approve these accounts for the year ending 31st October 2018.
Mike Jefferies
Hon. Treasurer Ramsdale Golf Club Senior Section.
Ramsdale Park Golf Club – Senior Section Accounts year ending 31/10/2018
Funds Balance
Bal. B/F – 1/11/2017 £5,072.85 Bal – C/F 31.10/2018 £5,961.61
Prizes Voucher. Res a/c
(now assimilated) £1,956.63
Less exp/income £1.067.87
£5,961.61 £5,961.61
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Bank statement No 205 £7,622.15
Less Cheques not presented (65) £70.00
(66) £927.95
(60) £128.16 £1,126.11
Add Deposits not credited £410.00
Adjusted Bank Balance £6,906.04
Vouchers Account
Vouchers O/S 1/11/2017 £1,361.00
Vouchers issued (ex board comps) £4,306.00
Vouchers issued (board comps) £850.00
£5,156.00 £5,156.00
Vouchers redeemed 2017/18 £4,861.00
Present sundry creditors £1,656.00
Matches Account – Based on 24 matches in2016 and 2017 and 22 matches in 2018
2016 2017 2018
£584.50 £338.00 Match levy/excess £136.00
£655.00 £602.00 Sponsorship £505.00
£460.00 £228.00 Raffle £528.88
£1,699.50 £1,168.00 £1,169.00
£1,496.25 £1,443.75 Green fees £1,295.00
£203.25 -£257.75 -£126.00
Summary Balance Sheet as at 31/10/2018
Funds Balance at 31/10/2018 £5,961..61 Cash at Bank £6,906.04
Sundry creditors £1,656.00 Cash in hand £61.57
Voucher dep. £650.00
£7,617.61 £7,617.61
I confirm that I have examined these accounts and supporting documents and I find them a true and accurate record.
Patrick McDonough Mike Jefferies
Seniors Captain Hon. Treasurer
Ramsdale Golf Club Seniors Section